Different uses of pool cleaners
Do you know how to use a pool cleaner properly?
There are different types of pool cleaners, and not all of them work in the same way, so it is important to know how to use each of them. Depending on the type of pool cleaner, the use will be different.
Vacuum cleaners, as their name suggests, are used to clean the bottom, although some have more advanced functions and can clean the walls of the pool and the waterline as well as the bottom. At GRE we want you to know all the uses of pool cleaners so that you can decide which one is the most suitable for your pool.
Cleaning the bottom
Manual pool cleaners
Pool cleaners that only clean the bottom of the pool are usually manual cleaners, which are the most basic ones you can find on the market. They are also the most economical in terms of automated cleaning systems.
When it comes to cleaning the bottom of the pool, a manual pool cleaner requires some effort, as we have to clean it ourselves, just as we do with a hoover at home. Even so, this type of pool cleaner offers many facilities so that cleaning the pool is not a tedious task.
The manual cleaners have a hose connected to the skimmer or to the pressure valve that transfers the vacuumed dirt to the pool filter. They optimally collect all the dirt that accumulates thanks to the brush on the base. It also has a pole so that it can be comfortably manoeuvred around the pool without having to get into it.
During the cleaning process, it is advisable to pass the cleaner slowly and in straight lines; it is necessary to take your time so that the pool is clean. Ideally, clean the bottom starting at one end and finishing at the other end.
If the water becomes cloudy when the cleaner passes over it, it is probably because it is not vacuuming correctly. In this case, we should wash the filter and thus solve the problem and get crystal clear water again.
Cleaning the bottom and walls
Hydraulic or suction pool cleaners
Among the pool cleaners capable of cleaning both the bottom and the walls, we can find a wide range of hydraulic pool cleaners. They are very easy to use as they move on their own to clean the pool. Even so, it is important to bear in mind that not all hydraulic pool cleaners move along the walls; some only clean the bottom.
Hydraulic pool cleaners are very quiet and are suitable for all types of pools. They are very easy to install and work with a rotating disc that traps all the dirt. Some models have membranes on the disc that increases its mobility in the pool.
These discs collect the dirt from the bottom of the pool through a hose connected directly to the disc, which is adapted to each pool. Some pool cleaners have a deflector, which prevents them from getting blocked by objects or angles that may be found in the pool during cleaning. They also have a counterweight to compensate for the weight of the hose and thus facilitate its buoyancy.
The hydraulic pool cleaner does not require constant maintenance as it does not require a lot of care to work properly. However, it is important to clean the pre-filter of the filter pump from time to time, as this is where all the dirt collected by the cleaner accumulates. The filter should be serviced at least once a week.
Before making any purchase of this type of pool cleaner, it is important to know the power of the filter pump. All hydraulic pool cleaners will fit any filter pump. Some cleaners adapt to purifier pumps of 1/3CV, others to 1/2CV, and others to 3/4CV up to 1CV. It is important to bear this in mind when purchasing a hydraulic pool cleaner.
Cleaning of the bottom, walls, and waterline
Robot pool cleaner
Cleaning the pool with a robotic pool cleaner is the most complete way to clean the pool as it adapts to different types of pools by cleaning the bottom and climbing walls. Some even clean accessories such as bottom ladders.
These cleaners are electric and work by collecting all the dirt in the pool; both large debris and the smallest particles as the suction is constant. They have a greater suction capacity than the pool cleaners seen above and have a filter that is very easy to clean thanks to a whirlpool that prevents the dirt from settling in the filter and losing quality.
They have a trajectory system where we indicate the path to be followed. Some pool cleaners also have a control that allows us to drive the robot around the pool.
As you can see, not all vacuum cleaners cover the entire surface of the pool, so we need to know very well what we need and how to use it before buying a pool cleaner; this way we will avoid surprises.